How To Manifest Your Desires with NYT Best Seller Pam Grout

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Welcome to the podcast!

Right off the bat, I have to say that I’m so happy you’re listening to this episode. Ever since my conversation with Pam Grout, the #1 1 New York Times bestselling author I have been absolutely buzzing! It’s like I forgot how powerful these manifesting techniques are and now I’ve reawakened to the exciting opportunities that are available to me. To all of us really. And that’s what we’re going to be talking about today.

Over 10 years ago now, Pam wrote “E-2, 9 do it yourself energy experiments that prove your thoughts create your reality”. It was such a huge success because people were doing the experiments and having these wild experiences! They’d tell their friends, their friends would have their own mind blowing experiences, tell all their friends and on and on it goes…even today, 10 years later after E2 came out.

She has a new book out “E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig”. Can’t wait to hear about your experiences!

But before we jump in, one of the common blocks to manifesting is negative subconscious beliefs. You might be wondering if you have them and what I can tell you is this: We all have them, but most of us are not connected to what they are because they are subconscious. But here’s how you can tell if you have subconscious beliefs that are blocking your ability to manifest. For instance, you want to stop drinking, lose weight, or be more successful. You know what to do, but you just don’t do it. Somehow you keep self-sabotaging. It doesn’t make sense. You are smart, you really want to reach your goal, but you keep slipping up. That is the sign that you have subconscious limiting beliefs! The good news is there is a process to uncovering the root cause, reprogram your mind and finally reach your goals. I take my clients through this process in private 1:1 coaching. If you’d like to learn more about how I can help, just visit and set up a no obligation consultation. If you’re ready for change, this is your sign! Book your call today!

I’m really excited to share this conversation with Pam, so without further delay, please enjoy this episode and let me know what you think!

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