OC50-Amy Dresner – Author “My Fair Junkie, A Memoir of Getting Dirty and Staying Clean”

Hi Friend! Welcome to ODAAT Chat. My name is Arlina and I’ll be your host.

The primary purpose of the podcast is to carry the message of hope to those who are suffering from addiction.  My guests and I talk about their addiction stories, what happened, what it was like and what a life of sobriety looks like now.

Through these conversations, I’m looking to uncover the new ideas, changes in perspective, and the daily habits or routines that lead to healing & long term recovery.

Before I jump into the podcast today, instead of a quote, I’ll share a prayer, it’s called the Set aside prayer:


Please help me set aside

everything I think I know

about myself, my disease, and especially You;

So I may have an open mind

and a new experience

of all these things.

Please let me see the truth.

Love this! The big book talks about the freedom from the bondage of self and this is how it happens. It cracks the facade of self sufficiency and self richness and allows the possibility for something new. From a new place of humility, we can remain teachable enough to allow ourselves to be healed.

So today’s conversation is with author, comedian, and speaker Amy Dresner. We talk about her journey from the perch of Beverly Hills to her drinking and drugging that landed her into the depth of despair, facing a felony for attempted murder.

As a heads up, we talk about her book and we do cover some areas that could be considered a spoiler, so consider this your spoiler alert. But its awesome, so totally worth it.

And just so you know, Amy is one of the speakers at the She Recovers Event in LA this September. I’m giddy with excitement to see her there and I hope you go too!

My Fair Junkie: A Memoir of Getting Dirty and Staying Clean

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This podcast is sponsored by Audible. First book is free!

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