Michael – An Abusive Father, Addiction to Weed, and Finding Celebrate Recovery

Welcome to the ODAAT Chat Podcast, my name is Arlina and I’ll be your host. In case you are wondering what the heck “odaat” stands for, it’s one day at a time, which is how we do this recovery thing, one day at a time!

The purpose of the podcast is uncover the root causes and conditions of addiction and to reveal the ideas and solutions that lead to healing and long term recovery. I actually started the podcast out of a resentment to be honest. I heard Joe Rogan and his guest discuss a mutual friend’s alcoholism and their ideas about the disease were so uniformed it made me a little crazy that these ideas were being passed off as fact, so this is my attempt at a platform for us to tell our side of the story, and maybe educate the ignorant. So there you have it.

In an effort to understand all paths to recovery, I invited my friend Michael Mason to the show. Michael shares how he was able to overcome his addiction to marijuana through a program called “Celebrate Recovery”, which is a Christian based program. I had heard of it, but really had no idea how their process works or how it compares to traditional 12 step programs.

Michael also shared details of what life was like with a father who was extremely strict and neglectful and how it effected Michael’s self esteem and his siblings. I’m grateful to him for opening up and sharing his story and educating me and my listeners about Celebrate Recovery.

Please enjoy this episode with Michael.

Peace & Love,


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