OC52 – Antione – The Army and Addictions, Tragedy and Transformation in Recovery

This episode is brought you by Audible.com. Right now, I’m listening to The Miracle Morning for Addiction Recovery: Letting Go of Who You’ve Been for Who You Can Become by Hal Elrod, Anna David and Joe Polish.

This is the book I wish I would have written! But that’s okay because it was written by three amazing people, and I’ll actually be interviewing one of them next week, the New York Times best selling author, Anna David! I’m a little beside myself with how excited I am to be interviewing her, but more to come on that later. Anyway, back to Audible.com.

Since you are an ODAAT Chat listener, you can get the first audiobook free! All you need to do is visit odaatchat.com and look for the Audible banner on the right. It’s a monthly membership for about $15 bucks. Truth be told, I’ve spent more than that on a single drink back in the day and all I got was fatter. Go figure. Try it out, and who knows, you might drown out that pesky critical voice in your head long enough to realize how truly awesome you are!

The Miracle Morning for Addiction Recovery: Letting Go of Who You’ve Been for Who You Can Become (Volume 12)

Today’s episode is with Antoine Anderson, author of “Bargain Basement Jesus” and ““Greatness Written in Your DNA!”.

I found Antione to be very candid and forthcoming about his struggles with his addiction to marijuana and his sex addiction and the damage to his family as a result. But if you have listened to this podcast before, you know there’s a silver lining!

Antione shares how he has turned his life around and is now committed to helping others full time through his books, speaking engagements, and online social media presence.  He also shares how he got sober through a program called Celebrate Recovery, a christian based recovery program and now leads groups through his church.

If you would like to connect with Antione, here are his links and other resources discussed on the show.

Bargain Basement Jesus Book:
Use the Discount Code: ODAAT to get a 10% discount
For Coaching and other products:
Celebrate Recovery (CR) Summit for this year: 

With love and gratitude,


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This podcast is sponsored by Audible. First book is free!

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