I’m so glad you’re here for this special episode. Today my dear friend Charlie LeVoir, the host of The Way Out Podcast, is interviewing me to talk about my new book “The 12 Step Guide For Skeptics: Clearing Up Common Misconceptions of a Path to Sobriety”.
And stay to the end because we talk about the dark side of social media sobriety!
When I announced that the book was published, I had several people suggest that I talk about why I wrote the book, and I’m not great at doing solo episodes, so I asked Charlie to join me.
BTW, follow me on Instagram @arlinaallen because I’ll be sharing about The Inner Compass Program that’s launching in January. The whole idea about this new program is to help you get unstuck on your personal growth journey and solve the one problem EVERYONE has which is collapsing the gap between knowing what to do, and actually doing it!
We all struggle with internal resistance, and the new program will be focused on helping you resolve that resistance, so you can feel freer to take the actions that will help you break out of negative behavior patterns and make consistent progress towards your goals.
I am so excited about this work, because it’s the work that frees you up to do all your other work!
So that’s it for announcements. Without further delay, please enjoy this episode, and let me know what you think!
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Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Amazon Music, or you can stream it from my website HERE. You can also watch the interview on YouTube.
👊🏼Need help applying this information to your own life? I got you!
Here are 3 ways to get started:
🎁Free Guide: 30 Tips for Your First 30 Days – With a printable PDF checklist
Grab your copy here: https://www.soberlifeschool.com
☎️Private Coaching: Make Sobriety Stick
💻Online Classes: https://www.soberlifeschool.com/courses
Sobriety Reset – An Online 30 Day Challenge: Start Today!
The Reinvent Yourself – Create an Unstoppable Identity & Experience A Breakthrough!
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