Battling the Drinking Culture of High-Pressure Industries

Loneliness, isolation, anxiety and depression are just some of the feelings that plague us when we’re in the throes of addiction. They are the reason a lot of people drink and get caught in the cycle of a dysfunctional relationship with alcohol.

Today my guest Nick Jonsson shares his experience of abusing alcohol, losing his marriage, and the depths of his despair before finally finding a solution that transformed his life.

Nick has taken what he has learned and wrote a book for those in the corporate world who are struggling in silence, in hopes of bringing solutions for a more peaceful, connected and fulfilling life.

It was actually so interesting for me to hear how in some parts of the world, the message of recovery is still not reaching the people who need it. There’s still so much stigma attached to alcohol use disorder. I would encourage you, my loyal subscribers, to share this episode with all your friends. You just never know who might be able to help.

I do have one quick announcement – I know not everybody can afford private coaching, so if you feel like you could use some support, and you’re willing to record one on one sessions with me anonymously, then shoot me an email at or visit and set up a free strategy call. The way this will work, is I will take 2 or 3 listeners through some coaching sessions, record them and then publish them anonymously as bonus episodes so that others can learn how to process through challenging situations. So if you think you would benefit from coaching, and you are willing to be of service to others, then shoot me an email and I’ll look forward to speaking with you!

Connect with Nick here:

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podcast Addict, YouTube Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.

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