How High Achievers Overcome Addiction, Suicidal Ideation, and Perfectionism

A lot of people with addiction have underlying childhood trauma, but that’s not always the case. 

Today I’m speaking with Nick Padlo. He is a military veteran who spent 27 months in combat between Afghanistan and Iraq. He went on to attend Stanford University and is now the CEO of Sophros Recovery.

In his recent TedTalk, he made the case that we shouldn’t have to become an alcoholic in order to learn valuable coping skills, but that’s exactly what happened. 

I really appreciated Nick’s vulnerability in sharing his darkest hour. I know that there are people listening who will deeply relate to his story.

But before we jump in, if you or someone you know is struggling to get sober, please consider getting a copy of “The 12 Step Guide for Skeptics: Clearing Up Common Misconceptions of a path to sobriety”. It will provide context and perspectives to move you past common obstacles to the 12 steps. It’s a guide that will help you get into the recovery mindset in a way that will allow you to get all the benefits of 12 steps without any of the nonsense. You can order it through Amazon. 

So without further delay, please enjoy this episode, and let me know what you think!

👊🏼Need help applying this information to your own life?

Here are 3 ways to get started:

🎁Free Guide: 30 Tips for Your First 30 Days – With a printable PDF checklist

Grab your copy here:

🎁Free Journaling Exercise: How To Get Unstuck, Be Consistent & Reach Your Goals

Download Here:

☎️Private Coaching: Make Sobriety Stick

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