Every once in a while I get off an interview and think wow, it’s a miracle how some people can survive their childhoods. This was one of those conversations.
Please note that this may be triggering to those with childhood trauma, and Michael does not shy away from the F-bomb.
Michael shares his story of growing up with a mother who was not only an addict, but extremely abusive in many ways. His step father was violent and regularly traumatized him and his siblings as well. All throughout his childhood Michael endured the worst kinds of abuse, which led to addiction, but something happened. Through a series of events Michael took control of his life and not only turned his life around, but he has now dedicated his life to helping others through a very popular podcast, multiple books, and a very successful coaching practice.
This is a very powerful episode of overcoming the odds, and offers hope that no matter what happened in your past, you can turn pain into purpose.
So without further delay, please enjoy this episode, and let me know what you think!
So without further delay, please enjoy this episode, and let me know what you think!
👊🏼Need help applying this information to your own life?
Here are 3 ways to get started:
🎁Free Guide: 30 Tips for Your First 30 Days – With a printable PDF checklist
Grab your copy here: https://www.soberlifeschool.com
🎁Free Journaling Exercise: How To Get Unstuck, Be Consistent & Reach Your Goals
Download Here: https://www.innercompassprogram.com
☎️Private Coaching: Make Sobriety Stick
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Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Amazon Music, or you can stream it from my website HERE. You can also watch the interview on YouTube.
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