Be sure to follow me on Instagram for daily inspiration: @odaatpodcast and @arlinaallen
Today my guest is Dawn Nickel, Author of “She Recovers Every Day: Daily readings to support your recovery practice”. She is also the co-founder of SheRecovers, a large worldwide non-profit organization that supports women in recovery. There are annual conferences with about 500 attendees and some of the most amazing speakers who are literally changing lives. They also have free online meetings every day that are really incredible.
Fun fact, I believe in the SheRecovers foundation so much, I actually got certified as a SheRecovers coach two years ago.
We met to talk about her new book, which I highly recommend, and not just because she included me in it, but because she has so much practical wisdom packed into every entry. We had a wide ranging conversation about her experiences with addiction, domestic violence, suicide attempts, workaholism and how to process grief.
You can listen to her first interview here:
So that’s it! Please enjoy the episode with Dawn.
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