Today my guest is Dr. Andrew Marry, aka Mazz, who is also the co-host of the Daily Dose Podcast.
Before we jump in, I would like to invite you to share your “God Shot” stories that could potentially be included in my book project coming out this year. Just to add a little bit of explanation to the term “God Shot”, it is a spiritual experience that you’ve had that can only be explained by God showing up in your life.
Over the time I’ve been sober I’ve had many. For instance, the day after my Mother died last November, I woke up to the most brilliant sunrise I’ve ever seen. The sky was ablaze with bright orange, pink and glimmers of golden light. I felt it to my core that it was Mom telling me she made it to the other side. I felt it so deeply that I just stood there and cried my eyes out. I knew in my heart that she was okay. Fast forward several months and a woman I know said she had a message for me that she didn’t understand what it meant, but that my Mother said to look for her “in the clouds”. My jaw hit the desk. I’ve been grieving her loss but this message brought me comfort and peace, and a deep knowing that my higher power was at work, even though I don’t always understand it.
If you have a story that you’d like to share, you can email it to me at arlina @ There is a deadline of 6/20 to be included in the book, but if I get more, I will publish them separately on my blog at
Also, please be sure to follow the podcast on Instagram: @odaatpodcast for updates and daily sobriety inspiration.
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