OC97-Author Emily Lynn Paulson – From Trauma, To The Executive Suites to The Social Media Highlight Real

Hi Friend!

Welcome to another episode of The ODAAT Chat Podcast! 

In case you are new here, My name is Arlina and I’ll be your host. This is a podcast where my guests share their stories of alcoholism and addiction and their journey to recovery. For information on today’s episode and access to past episodes, visit odaatchat.com.

Today my conversation is with Emily Paulson, mother of 5, and author of Highlight Real – Finding Honesty & Recovery Beyond the Filtered Life

But before we jump in, I wanted to share an amazing audio book I discovered called “Awareness- Conversations with the Masters” by Anthony de Mello. Now, the title does nothing to distinguish it from other books, but it was recommended by Tim Ferriss and if he thinks it’s good I usually get it, and he did not disappoint. While listening to it, I kept blurting things like, “oh my god, yes!” like a crazy person because nobody was there, but I immediately knew I had to share it with you all because it’s just that good. So listeners of the ODAAT Chat Podcast can get it for free by subscribing to Audible.com, just visit odaatchat.com and you’ll see the Audible banner on the right. 

So Emily Lynn Paulson is someone I really appreciate because she has a great story but also because she was brave enough to pull back the curtain on what seems to be the perfect life, to show that everyone has their painful struggles and challenges. 


IG @highlightrealrecovery

So with that, please enjoy this episode, with the super fabulous Emily!

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