OC75-Laura Cathcart Robbins-Podcast Host, Feeling Othere’d, Alcoholism, Hating AA, and Recovery

Today I have the pleasure and really, the honor of sharing a conversation I had with Laura Cathcart Robbins, who is a writer and now podcaster, of the newly minted podcast “The only one in the room”. And man, she is one of those special people who just seems to have a knack for writing viral articles on publications like Huffington Post. Yeah, Huffington Post! She’s doing great work.

Just one more thing before we dive in, I wanted to share that I’m looking for people who are willing to go through the “Holding Safe Space” breakthrough process for the podcast. You can find details about the class at soberlifeschool.com

The idea is that you get to go through the process on the podcast, anonymously of course, so that others can benefit from your experience, strength and hope. If you’re interested in participating, email me at arlina@odaatchat.com

Okay, back to Laura. One of the reasons I’m excited to share this conversation is because she just launched her podcast “The Only One in The Room” produced by Lipstick & Vinyl’s Christina Barsi and Allyson Marino, which launched last Tuesday. The podcast was born out of the article that was published on The Huffington Post about her experience of being the only black woman in the room at a famed writers retreat. She was overwhelmed with comments from people of all races, ethnicities, creeds, and nationalities who had also felt “othere’d.” That’s a cool word right? “Othere’d”. I totally get it. Her podcast will feature guests who share their stories of feeling “other’d” as well.

If you’d like to reach out to her, you can find her here:


podcast: @theonlyoneintheroom

email: theonlyoneintheroom@gmail.com

In this episode, we dig into her story, what it was like, what happened and what it’s like now. So with that, please enjoy this conversation with the lovely and super talented, Laura Cathcart Robbins!

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